Take the Challenge
Tennessee is now in phase 5 of the TN World Missions Initiative:
This phase is called “The 555 Challenge”.
Project Number: 103-0555- (each church plant will have their own ending number so that a church can raise funds for a specific church plant)
This stands for:
50 new churches to be planted in the Golden Triangle.
5 nations in Southeast Asia - priority targets
$5,000 contributed from each Tennessee Church.
Tennessee has secured DOUBLE MATCHING FUNDS for this Challenge. This will be a record breaking year for World Missions giving! We ask that you accept this challenge and GIVE. As you partner with Church of God World Missions, please remember 100% of your gift reaches the mission field.
A Clear Rationale for the Commitment of the Church of God in Tennessee to Missions
Mission is the chief reason the Church exists. Ecclesiology (doctrine of the Church) and missiology (doctrine of missions) are inseparably linked. Ecclesial mission derives from theology proper (doctrine of God) in that the Church’s mission reflects the divine nature. Ultimately mission belongs to God (missio Dei), and describes God’s plan to restore fallen creation, including humanity, through God’s invitation to participate in the working out of that divine purpose. Pentecostal missions are driven, first, by a distinctive pneumatological orientation (confident dependence on the Holy Spirit), and second, by a sense of eschatological urgency (keen awareness of our Lord’s imminent return). These values fuel a primary evangelistic emphasis coupled with openness to serving other aspects of human need as well.
Pentecostal evangelistic fervor and effectiveness are a direct result of the distinctive experience of Spirit baptism (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8). Furthermore, Christology (doctrine of Christ) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:46-48; John 20:21) are closely connected. Commitment to Christ compels his disciples to a deep commitment to his commission to reach the world with the gospel. The mission of the Pentecostal movement, and of the Church of God, continues to be evangelistically prioritized, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and centered on Christ while engaging with broader communities in faithful witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel of God’s redeeming love to a world ravaged by sin (John 3:16).