Dr. Ottis Ball serves as the Spirit Care Coordinator for the State of Tennessee.
“SpiritCare is a program designed to care for the great men and women who have given their lives to the ministry of God. It is my responsibility, duty, and certainly, my heartfelt desire to love and care for each of our retired ministers and widows/widowers now that they have retired.
I am honored to serve as the Tennessee Church of God Representative for the SpiritCare program. Please know that you are loved and appreciated. Thank you for all you have done for the kingdom of God. Please contact me if I can be of service to you. We have access to some programs that may be of help to you.
You may contact me at 865-354-3465 or 865-414-6519 or ocball@bellsouth.net.”
The Tennessee Retired Minister Fellowship program provides a gift for members during Christmas and supplemental assistance to attend Prayer Conferences, State Camp Meetings, and General Assemblies. This program supports retired ministers who have spent at least 15 years of their tenure ministering in Tennessee. To apply for this program, you must be formally retired and submit completed paperwork to the state office 30 days before a State Council Meeting. These Council meetings take place quarterly (March, June, September, and December). Click HERE for the RMF Application. Guidelines for the RMF are HERE.